Photo from personal archive

EURETINA is the European Society of Retina Specialists, whose main activity is the organization of the annual congress. The tenth winter meeting was attended by Beate Pēterfelde and Kristīne Baumane from Latvia.

Abstract was presented for the event, which presented the Latvian team's data on the first patients of the PerDiRe project (Integrated model for diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring using risk-stratification and artificial intelligence-based automated fundus image analysis).

During the project, information on optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) parameters and the level of glycation end products in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes with or without signs of diabetic retinopathy was analyzed. Vascular density in the deep, superficial, and radial peripapillary capillary networks and the size of the foveolar avascular zone were analyzed by OCTA. The level of glycation end products was analyzed in the skin with the help of the AGE Reader apparatus.

The 10th Euretina Winter meeting held in Vilnius was represented by doctors involved in the project from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Norway.




